All businesses, commercial, service and housing are no exception, is an economic and social entity. A common denominator for shopping centers, retail destinations, individual retail players and property owners who succeed is that they listen to their customers and solve consumer problems of various kinds.
Our proven working model CTI (Consumer – Tenant – Investor) can be used in both large and limited projects. The working model ensures that we take into account all the necessary factors and take into account the outside world, external stakeholders, as well as those directly involved in the project.
The CTI model
The CTI model gives us an overall approach that allows different actors and stakeholders to collaborate positively with the consumer’s best interest at hand. Collaboration and interference of external stakeholders in the form of market and municipality with those in retail project directly engaged such as consumer – tenant – investors are important to understand and take into account and ensure long-term positive results.
We help you find the customers of tomorrow
What will be the success factors for tomorrow’s consumer behavior? Understanding the factors, trends and values that influence different target groups means that we very likely can create the right concept – whether it be a retail venue, business idea, residential or a shopping center.”